+90 (533) 655 62 68

Birgül Göralcan

About Birgül Göralcan

Designer Birgül Göralcan prepares collections in the field of “ready couture” for the brand she founded under her own name in 2016. Birgül Göralcan designs for Mediterranean women who create their own time independent from the rhythm of life, who are free, who carry modern elements with great elegance as well as the values inherited from the past, and who have refined tastes.

Birgül Göralcan is a timeless woman who shapes her metropolitan life through family ties, enjoys traveling to exotic regions, is excited about discovering new tastes, music and scents, but at the same time embraces classical values.

The designer, who skillfully reflects architectural elements to her collections, considers all forms of nature and matter as a source of inspiration. Birgül Göralcan has created her own style by blending materials such as silk, lace, leather, chiffon and cashmere with “couture” touches.

Göralcan, who designs a wide range of designs in her collections, from cocktail and evening dresses to tuxedo suits, from coats and abaya-kimono groups to travel clothes, is especially skilled in jacket design.

To date, Birgül Göralcan has prepared five collections with the names “One”, “Rose”, “Spice”, “Reflection” and “Wave”.

The designer’s store in Nisantaşı offers “ready couture” collections and her atelier offers customized designs.

Birgül Göralcan also designs jewelry and prepares collections in this field and offers them for sale.